Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So, we've been a little slow on getting our second post up...oops! We both been so full of ideas, and working on different craft projects that we've forgotten to post them up to the blog! 
Here is one of our latest creations-a personal favorite of mine. It's a perfect accessory for the autumn. The flowers were both created simply with beads and some pretty fabric (the gold flower piece was a little something we picked up at a craft store). 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So it's finally here, our very FIRST blog ever! I apologize in advance for any strangely phrased sentences or obscure thoughts, I may get carried away with this...

Let's start at the beginning-here's our story. 

While chatting one evening, we began discussing the possibility of beginning to create our own accessories. We both desperately love cute things, especially cute hair things. So obviously the first thing to do when you really really like something is to begin creating it yourself! Below is a photo of our first hair accessories. There are more in the works, and as we go there will be continual photo uploads and maybe even a tutorial or two. If you are a fellow accessory lover and have any suggestions for us, please feel free to share your thoughts with us! We are up for trying just about anything (related to hair accessories of course)! 

We look forward to sharing this journey with you. Thanks!